Saturday, 8 December 2012

Hello Hello Hello. Firstly thanks to everyone who has been viewing this page. I've just checked and people have actually been on this page. It's excellent. So I really really really appreciate it, and do keep coming back because I will make an effort to post more. So it's nearly christmas, and Im thinking I should try some new flavours. I think my best options are: + Candy Cane Flavour + Gingerbread Flavour + Cranberry Flavour + Mulled Wine Flavour. I think the Gingerbread and the Mulled Wine are really going to take some experimenting :) I am also of course, open to new flavours, and I would love to hear about what other people have created, so do, of course, let me know!!! Thanks Everyone.....

Friday, 6 April 2012

Cherry Lifesavers

Okay its just finished but I can't link the tute yet because I havent gotten round to uploading the pics etc. I used 5 lifesavers for about 2 shots worth. It could probs do with a few more to really bring the flavour out. I also use rum instead of vodka cause its to hand :)

Some New Ingredients

Okay so I finally pulled my finger out and I have new ingredients to make new stuff. Im thinking of maybe trying it with rum too. I dont really know if it will work in the same way but if it doesnt then it wont matter too much. So I've got. Rum Butter LifeSavers, Cherry Lifesavers, Grape Jello, Junior Mints, Hot Tameles and Cadburys Dream. I dont know how they will all work out but hey ho!